When one thinks of the new calendar year, one thinks of New Year’s resolutions. Educators are blessed to have two starts each year – the start of the new school year in the fall and the start of a new calendar year; both provide opportunities to plan fresh and exciting things. However, January is unique since it offers three opportunities for a new start – a new calendar year, a new quarter, and a new semester.
Resolutions for Teachers
I recently saw a cartoon where the question was being asked, “What exactly is a New Year resolution?” The response was, “It’s a ‘To Do’ list for the first week in January!”
Consider the following resolutions offered by teachers on the Internet:
1. I resolve to become organized enough to find whatever I need whenever needed.
2. I resolve to get all papers graded within two days of the assignment being turned in.
3. I resolve to see each student not as they are but as they can be.
4. I resolve to remember that it is not personal. It is a job.
5. I resolve not to judge someone until I have walked in their shoes.
6. I resolve to stay positive.
7. I resolve to never hold a grudge against a student. Each day is a new beginning.
8. I resolve to spice up my classroom routine.
9. I resolve to give individual time and attention to each student.
10. I resolve to set goals and avoid the autopilot mode.
How nice would it be if someone would create a list of 100 or so possible resolutions for teachers and then allow teachers to check the ones they want to make, along with recipes for the success of each? And, of course, do not forget a list for students and their parents.
Suggestions from the Apostle Paul
In addressing the church at Colosse, Paul offers some resolutions (Col. 1:10, AMP). Educators can apply these four resolutions during the new calendar year, quarter, and semester. They will help you finish this academic year strong and to keep your spiritual focus:
1. I resolve to walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord.
2. I resolve to be fully pleasing to Him and desire to please Him in all things.
3. I resolve to bear fruit in every good work.
4. I resolve to be steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper, and clearer insight, acquaintance, and recognition].
The Power of the Holy Spirit
Making resolutions is easy; following them is the problematic part. As Christian educators, not only do we have to guard against the stresses and pressures of life that would get us off course in fulfilling these resolutions, but the devil, himself, actively launches attacks against us.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit working inside us, we can overcome all of these and fulfill our resolutions.